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发布日期:2025-01-04 15:51    点击次数:130

编者按上海市民办尚德实验学校创立于2003年9月,是一所涵盖幼儿园、小学、初中和高中阶段的国际学校。学校拥有国际化的视野和一流的教学师资团队,在中外课程的融合上,展现出了巨大的潜力与优势。此外,尚德尊重学生的个性差异,立志构建独具尚德特色的课程体系,来满足每位学生的发展需求,推动学生在个性化的环境中全面成长。近日,尚德融合部“Symphony”主题艺术展如期开展,请跟随本文了解详情!近日,尚德融合部“Symphony”主题艺术展如期开展。尚德融合部一直是美育的实践者,本次艺术展由尚德融合部小学、融合部中学共同承办,内容包括音乐艺术展、视觉艺术展、师生艺术工作坊、访问艺术家项目等。The art exhibition of SSES is held on Mar.26th. The theme of this art exhibition is "Symphony," which is a silent yet melodious chapter, a marvelous journey intertwining art, music, nature, and imagination. At the border where dreams and reality intersect, a dual feast for the eyes and the soul unfolds. This art biennial event is jointly organized by the primary and middle schools of the Integrated Department, featuring music art and visual art exhibitions, teacher-student art workshops, and visiting artist programs.开幕式Opening Ceremony随着《幽灵公主》、《悬崖上的金鱼姬》的音乐响起,本次别开生面的艺术盛宴正式拉开帷幕。两首歌曲由融合部星空合唱团和爱乐乐团共同演绎,犹如一股清新的春风吹过,展现出了音乐的魅力。而后,融合部中学的学子们带来了汉服表演,身着华丽汉服的同学们优雅地走上舞台,展示着中国传统文化的魅力。他们动作优美,仿佛穿越时空,将我们带回到古代的盛世之中,让我们感受到了中华传统文化的博大精深。最后尚德融合部姚可阶校长上台为本次艺术节亮灯,标志着融合部艺术双年展正式开启。As the music from "Princess Mononoke" and "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea" fills the air, this unique art feast officially kicks off. The two songs are performed by the Integrated Department's Starry Sky Choir and Philharmonic Orchestra, creating a refreshing spring breeze that showcases the charm of music. Students from the Integrated Department's middle school present a Hanfu performance, gracefully taking the stage in magnificent Hanfu attire, showcasing the allure of Chinese traditional culture.音乐艺术展Music Art视觉艺术展Visual Art本次艺术展是一个融合了多种形式的展览,结合各年级的探究主题,通过综合材料、剪影艺术、装置艺术和服装设计等多种艺术形式的探究和展示,呈现了丰富多样的艺术表现形式,为艺术创作和欣赏带来更多可能性和启发。This art exhibition is a fusion of multiple forms, combining inquiry themes from various grades. Through the exploration and presentation of comprehensive materials, silhouette art, installation art, and fashion design, it showcases a diverse range of artistic expressions, bringing more possibilities and inspiration to art creation and appreciation.G1微妙世界A subtle world“世界如何运作”单元,一年级孩子们根据“所有生物都经历一个变化的过程”的中心思想,将动物、植物、人物及其所生活的生态环境巧妙地结合在一起,以玻璃生态瓶的方式展示了一个个奇妙而和谐的生态系统。这不仅仅是一个个具有观赏性的艺术作品,也是孩子们唤起人们对于环保问题意识的行动,希望以此呼吁人们与自然和谐相处。In the "How the World works" unit, as all living beings undergo a process of change, the children cleverly combine animals, plants, and characters to showcase marvelous and harmonious ecosystems. These are not just visually appealing art pieces but also aim to raise awareness about environmental issues among the audience, calling for people to live in harmony with nature.G2一触即发On the verge二年级学生结合所探究的力的知识,用优美的线条与剪纸技巧描绘了一幅幅融合了环境、动物与花卉的生机勃勃的动物剪影作品。五彩缤纷的色彩随风飘荡,熠熠生辉,观众们在欣赏艺术作品的过程中能找到属于自己的共鸣和美好。Based on the central idea of how people utilize their understanding of forces to invent, in the "How the World Works" unit, beautiful lines are used to depict vibrant animal silhouette artworks. These artworks integrate the environment, animals, and flora. The colorful hues float in the air, shining brightly, allowing the audience to find their own resonance and beauty while appreciating the art pieces.G3无界边垠Boundless三年级的同学们结合“我们身处什么时空”单元“地球的自然地貌与人类活动相互影响”的中心思想,创作了一系列和地貌相关的艺术作品。孩子们利用地貌平面作品制作成了立柱造型、地貌胶卷等衍生艺术表现形式作品,体验了不同材质材料的创作特点的同时,运用泥土、彩绘等不同的艺术表达形式阐述着自己对盆地、丘陵、高原、平原等不同地貌及其与人类活动之间的关系的理解。Grade 3 students use the theme of the "What we are in the place and time " unit as their creative inspiration. Based on the central idea of the interplay between Earth's natural landscapes and human activities, they have created a series of art pieces related to landscapes.G4时空罗盘Space-time compass四年级的同学以轮转、四季为主题,通过装置艺术展现大自然的变化和生命的循环。这样的灵感,源于孩子们在“我们是谁”单元中所学习到的不同艺术大师的表现手法。孩子们活学活用,通过色彩的冷暖交织,呈现出一个富有生机和温馨的景象。当沉浸的欣赏这幅作品时,不仅可以感受到大自然的优美,还能够沉浸于诗意的艺术画面中,享受到无尽的美好。In the fourth grade, students use rotation and the four seasons as the theme to showcase the changes in nature and the cycle of life through an installation art piece. In the "Who We Are" unit, focusing on the central idea that understanding different learning methods can meet people's individual learning needs, students study the techniques of art masters. By intertwining warm and cool colors, they present a lively and cozy scene. Immersed in the appreciation of this artwork, one can not only feel the beauty of nature but also indulge in the poetic artistic imagery, enjoying endless beauty.G5蝶衣初梦Beautiful dreams五年级的孩子们在了解了服装的发展史后,对“如何表达自己”单元“人的外观可以导致他人的正确理解或误解”的中心思想有了更深刻的理解,由此创作了一系列服装设计艺术作品——或使用不同布料创作了布帖创意肖像作品,或利用废旧布料改造了自己的旧衣服、旧衣新穿,意在体现服装设计艺术的多样性,并通过迷你人台服装设计作品,实现了内心的“设计梦”。Grade 5 students explore the history of fashion development and learn in the "How We Express Ourselves" unit that a person's appearance can lead to either correct understanding or misunderstanding by others. They have created a series of clothing design artworks based on this concept. Using different fabrics, they have crafted creative fabric collage portraits and transformed their old clothes with recycled fabrics, showcasing the diversity of clothing design art. Through mini runway fashion design pieces, they have realized their inner "design dreams."G6立体主义Cubism六年级的同学通过对立体主义艺术作品进行分析,感悟艺术作品中所反映的文化内涵。在探究和创造立体主义作品的过程中,试图在画中创造结构美,去消减作品的描述性和表现性成分。G6 students analyzed cubist works of art to understand the cultural connotations reflected in the works of art. In the process of exploring and creating cubist works, we try to create structural sense to subtract the descriptive and expressive component of works.《我的世界》徐晨菲《人间地狱》张筱曦《破碎亦光亮》谭昕怡G7静物主义Stationism每一幅静物画作品其实都是创作者通过静物画在表达自己的内心世界,引领观众深入探索身份认同。七年级的小艺术家们通过精心描绘的物品,呈现出对传统、当代或跨文化的理解和表达,传递着文化的多样性和包容性。这些作品不仅是对当下生活的记录,更是对历史、社会和文化的反思。Each still life painting is actually the artist expressing his inner world through still life painting, leading the audience to deeply explore their identity. G7 artists present traditional, contemporary or cross-cultural understanding and expression through carefully depicted objects, conveying cultural diversity and inclusiveness. These works are not only records of current life, but also reflections on history, society and culture.《静物1》崔苡晗《静物2》刘印月《静物3》邹知恒G8&9复兴之境Revival在这次“复兴之境”装置艺术展中,八年级和九年级的学生们巧妙地利用废弃材料,创作出引人深思的作品,挑战各位观众对现实的认知。由回收纸箱制成的高大树木的树枝伸向天空,默默呼吁着人与自然之间的和谐。与此同时,由废弃塑料制成的水母在展览空间中飘浮,是对人类活动所对海洋生物带来的巨大伤害的提醒与控诉。八年级艺术家创作的超现实主义作品,通过将现实与虚幻世界相对比,超现实主义能使各位观众质疑认知,去面对有关环境问题血淋淋的真相。In the "Reclaimed Realms" recycled art exhibition, the grade 9 and 8 students have ingeniously repurposed discarded materials to create thought-provoking pieces that challenge our perceptions of reality. Yet, amidst the chaos of urban landscapes, islands emerge as symbols of hope and resilience—a reminder of nature's enduring presence in a rapidly changing world.At the same time,they will be looking at the surrealism artworks done by our grade 8 artists. By juxtaposing the real and the unreal, surrealism prompts viewers to question their perceptions and confront uncomfortable truths about environmental degradation.《灾难》郝亚迪《星空之中》 汪子喻《神 》杨思琪《智能诱惑》 郭中毅《受伤的鱼》 贾欣悦《侵蚀》 姚瑶艺术工作坊Art Workshop在本次双年展中,融合部师生共同参与了四场艺术工作坊,在工作坊中分享彼此艺术的经验和见解,拓宽自己的视野和认识,培养审美品位和艺术技能。At this biennial exhibition, the integrated department of teachers and students participated in four art workshops, where they shared their artistic experiences and insights, broadened their perspectives and understanding, and cultivated aesthetic taste and artistic skills.褶绣肌理画工作坊褶绣肌理画是一种传统的刺绣技艺,源自中国古代。参与者们在艺术家田老师的带领下亲自动手体验制作过程,了解每一个细节和技巧。Pleated Embroidery Texture Painting Workshop: Pleated embroidery texture painting is a traditional embroidery technique originating from ancient China. Participants personally experienced the production process, understanding every detail and technique involved.朋克小幻想工作坊朋克小幻想工作坊是一个独特而有趣的活动,旨在让参与者体验朋克风格的创意和想象力。在这个工作坊中,参与者一起学习如何创造自己的朋克小幻想作品,并与其他对朋克文化感兴趣的人分享他们的创意。The Punk Fantasy Mini Workshop is a unique and fun activity designed to allow participants to experience the creativity and imagination of punk style. In this workshop, participants learnt how to create their own punk fantasy artworks and share their ideas with others interested in punk culture.创意滴胶工作坊使用色精调色做底,利用压制的花瓣和叶子进行剪裁搭配,凸显出植物特别的纹理,将大自然封存在半透明立方块中,堆叠出缩小版的自然世界,极具空间美感。It uses color essence as the base, uses pressed petals and leaves to cut and match, highlights the special texture of plants, seals nature in translucent cubes, and stacks a reduced version of the natural world, which has a great spatial aesthetic feeling.陶艺工作坊融合部中学以学生为主导的泥塑的手工坊里,一同探索泥土的奇妙魔力,在指尖间创造独一无二的艺术世界。In the student-led clay sculpture workshop of Fusion Middle School, we explore the magic of clay and create a unique art world between our fingertips.艺术家访校Artists visit踏上成为艺术家的旅程不仅需要磨练自己的技艺,还需要拥抱创造力、自我发现和个人成长。这次学校邀请到了同时拥有版画和珠宝制作学位的新加坡纯艺术硕士常锦超老师。常老师在演讲中分享了自己的艺术家之路,讲述了他的精彩经历和励志故事。当然,任何旅程都充满挑战,常老师对艺术卓越的追求也不例外。他希望通过这次演讲,能够鼓励学生探索各种途径来追求他们的艺术抱负。Embarking on a journey to become an artist entails not only honing one's craft but also embracing creativity, self-discovery, and personal growth. In his presentation, Mr. Chang shared his own journey of becoming an artist, highlighting his wonderful experiences and inspiring stories. Of course, no journey is without its challenges, and Mr. Chang's pursuit of artistic excellence was no exception. He hopes that after this talk, students will be encouraged to explore various avenues to pursue their artistic aspirations.音乐沙龙是一种音乐表演、音乐交流和音乐欣赏于一体的活动形式。在《情系斯拉夫》的音乐沙龙中,参与者可以聆听各种风格的音乐,并与上海师范大学音乐学院钢琴表演系教授Kazitskii Maksim交流分享自己的音乐经验和见解。A music salon is a form of activity that combines music performance, music exchange, and music appreciation. In the "Embracing Slavic" music salon, participants can listen to various styles of music and engage in discussions with the artist Professor Kazitskii Maksim to share their own music experiences and insights.孩子们与Kazitskii Maksim教授也展开了一系列讨论,提出了一些关于平时练琴和学习上的问题,Kazitskii Maksim教授也一一进行了回复。The children also had a series of discussions with Professor Kazitskii Maksim, and raised some questions about their usual piano practice and learning. Professor Kazitskii Maksim also responded one by one.本次大艺术双年展,汇聚了融合学子匠心独运的艺术作品,每件展品都展现了他们对世界的独特感悟与深情倾诉。这些作品不仅是大艺术课堂成果的精彩展示,更是孩子们对艺术不懈追求的生动体现。此次艺术盛宴,不仅见证了孩子们的蜕变与成长,更激励着他们砥砺前行,为心中那份对艺术的热爱与梦想,持续奋斗,永不止步。In this Great Art Biennale, each work represents the soul and creativity of the students, the unique perspective and emotional expression of the world. The art exhibition can not only let people enjoy the pleasure of beauty, but also stimulate people's interest in art, and promote people's artistic accomplishment and cultural accomplishment. Through this exhibition, students' interest in art can be stimulated and their cultural literacy and creativity can be enhanced in the art classroom of the Ministry of Integration. It is not only a cultural activity, but also a form of education. By visiting art exhibitions, people can broaden their horizons, enrich their lives, enhance their self-cultivation, and feel the charm and power of art. Let's feel the beauty of art and feel the way of art.欢迎扫码咨询预约尚德融合部校园开放日转自:上海市民办尚德实验学校官方公众号【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead

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